AlifPay E-Wallet
Step 1: Please ensure your introducer is with you or that you have their username ready.
Step 2:Download AlifPay APP from Google Play or Apple Store.
Make sure you have downloaded the latest version.
The version you see now is “Version 1.2.26”
Always update the APP for the latest features.
Click on the “Create a new account” link to continue.
Please Note;Do not use your back-office username and password to log in on this page. Follow the instructions provided.
Simply click the “Create a new Account” link to proceed with your registration in Step 3
Step 1:Key in your name as per IC
Step 2:Create a password.
Step 3:Key in a valid email.
Step 4:Create a password.
Step 5:Click the “Sign-Up” button to continue.
Log in with the username and password you just created.
An OTP will be sent to your registered email. Please check your email and enter the 6-digit code to log in.
Please fill in all your details on this page, then click the ‘Save‘ button to proceed to the KYC page by clicking the “Next” button.
Please upload the front and back of your IC, then click the ‘Submit for KYC’ button.
After that, click the ‘Back’ button to return to the main page as seen on step 8.
Once your account has been verified, you will see AlifPay application like this.